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Can you Deploy WordPress on your own?

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  • Post last modified:December 22, 2022
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Many people building their website don’t know that you can deploy and run your own wordpress site with out all the extra management fees like Managed hosting plans.

Here we will show you a way you can deploy your own wordpress on the cloud.

Deploying WordPress on your own can seem intimidating at first, but it’s actually a fairly straightforward process. With a little bit of technical know-how and some time, you can easily have your own self-hosted WordPress site up and running.

One of the main benefits of self-hosting your WordPress site is that you have full control over your site and its performance. You’re not at the mercy of a managed hosting provider, and you can customize and optimize your site as needed.

To deploy WordPress on your own, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose a hosting provider: There are many hosting providers to choose from, such as Digital Ocean, Linode, Google Cloud or AWS. Choose one that fits your budget and offers the features you need.
  2. Install WordPress: Most hosting providers offer a one-click installation process for WordPress, so you can easily set up your site with just a few clicks.
  3. Choose a theme: WordPress has a wide variety of themes available, both free and paid. Choose one that fits the style and branding of your site.
  4. Customize your site: Once your theme is installed, you can start customizing your site by adding pages, posts, and media.
  5. Install plugins: WordPress has a large plugin repository, which allows you to add extra functionality to your site. Some popular plugins include contact form plugins, SEO plugins, and security plugins.

Self-hosting your WordPress site can seem daunting at first, but with a little bit of knowledge and some time, you can easily have your own site up and running. Plus, the benefits of having full control over your site are well worth the effort.

To install WordPress on Rocky Linux using Digital Ocean and the Virtualmin control panel, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Generate an SSH key: Open terminal and enter the command:

>  ssh-keygen -t rsa

    • Press Enter to accept the default location for the key and enter a passphrase when prompted.
    • This will generate an SSH key pair for you.
  1. Add the SSH key to your Digital Ocean account:
    • Log in to your Digital Ocean account and navigate to the “Security” section.
    • Click the “Add SSH Key” button and paste the contents of the public key file (located in the .ssh folder of your home directory) into the “Key” field.
    • Give the key a name and click the “Add SSH Key” button.
  2. Create a new droplet:
    • From the Digital Ocean dashboard, click the “Create” button and choose the “Droplets” option.
    • Choose the size and region for your droplet and select “Rocky Linux” as the image.
  3. Configure additional options:
    • In the “Additional Options” section, select your SSH key from the “SSH Keys” dropdown.
    • This will allow you to log in to your droplet using the private key you generated earlier.
  4. Create the droplet:
    • Click the “Create droplet” button to create your droplet.
    • It may take a few minutes for the droplet to be created and initialized.
  5. Connect to your droplet:
    • Once the droplet is created, you can connect to it using SSH.
    • Use the IP address of your droplet and the private key you generated earlier to log in.
  6. Install Virtualmin:
    • Connect to the server with ssh

>  ssh

Installing Virtualmin LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server, follow these steps: (For Rocky Linux /CentOS7)
  1. Update your system:
  >sudo yum update
  1. Install the dependencies required by Virtualmin:
>  sudo yum install perl perl-Net-SSLeay openssl perl-IO-Tty
  1. Download the Virtualmin installer script:
>  wget
  1. Make the installer script executable:
>  chmod +x
  1. Run the installer script:
>  sudo ./

The installer will ask you a series of questions about your system and configuration preferences.

Follow the prompts to complete the installation.


Once the installation is complete, you can access the Virtualmin web interface by going to https://your-server-ip:10000 in your web browser.

Use the username and password you provided during the installation process to log in.

Or login to ssh and set a root password with command:


enter password twice make sure it is long enough and uses good password practices to make it secure or setup a admin user for Virtualmin

Note: These instructions assume that you have already installed and configured a LAMP stack on your CentOS 7 server. If you have not, you will need to do that first before installing Virtualmin.

  1. Set up your domain and DNS settings:
    • In the Virtualmin control panel, navigate to the “Virtualmin” > “Server Configuration” > “Manage SSL Certificate” page.
    • Add your domain name and generate a self-signed SSL certificate.
    • Then, log in to your Digital Ocean account and navigate to the “Networking” > “Domains” page.
    • Add your domain and set the “A” record to point to the IP address of your droplet.
  2. Use the one-click install feature in Virtualmin to install WordPress:
    • In the Virtualmin control panel, navigate to the “Virtualmin” > “Server Configuration” > “Feature Configuration” page.
    • Scroll down to the “One-click Installs” section and click the “Install” button next to WordPress.
    • Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully set up an SSH key, create a droplet on Digital Ocean, install the Virtualmin control panel on Rocky Linux, and install WordPress using the one-click install feature in Virtualmin.